English for Work
Looking for a new or better job? Trying to decide on a new career? For beginner to advanced level learners, our English for Work and Life: Learn English and Computer Skills class combines English language instruction with career exploration/preparation and computer and internet lessons on the skills needed to use at home and on the job in our tech-driven world. Individual career counseling and employment preparation are available to all students.
This class is offered to all students from beginner to advanced levels.
Class Schedule I
September - May
Tuesday & Thursday
9:30 AM -11:30 AM
Intermediate to Advanced
Branford High School
Class Schedule II
September - May
Tuesday & Thursday
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Intermediate to Advanced
The Morgan School, Clinton
How to Register
Register online or call (203) 488-5693. Registration is open for the first six weeks of class. Early registration will secure a spot in the classroom.
Classes are free to residents of Branford, Clinton, Guilford and North Branford. Individuals outside of our four-town region may register for our program for a small non-refundable fee of $50 per semester/$75 per year if space in the classroom is available.
If you would like more information about our English for Speakers of Other Languages program, call our office at 203-488-5693 or email us.